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pieiznice ♂️ [5092316] [2007-07-07 00:44:20 +0000 UTC] "Call me Jack ^^" (United States)

# Statistics

Favourites: 321; Deviations: 2; Watchers: 3

Watching: 5; Pageviews: 5994; Comments Made: 877; Friends: 5

# Interests

Favorite visual artist: everybody ^^
Favorite movies: I love movies in general, movies that make me feel something
Favorite bands / musical artists: right now? Artonelico 1 & 2 OST
Favorite writers: well not you aparrently >:3
Favorite games: anything but sport games ^^
Favorite gaming platform: PS3, PS2, Wii, SNES, SG
Other Interests: anything I consider kickass!

# About me

Current Residence: you know that box behind the dumpster? well it's about 420 miles East of that
deviantWEAR sizing preference: XXL
Print preference: ? finger paint!
Favourite genre of music: EVERTHING! though country and country rock can burn in hell, bluegrass is acceptable though ^^
Favourite photographer: you mean the soul taking, little box of doom? Sure, I'll love to take your picture ^^
Favourite style of art: if you can make me laugh or comment, I love it
Operating System: this crappy subsitute for my real OS =/
MP3 player of choice: any I can get my hands on
Shell of choice: a box counts right?
Wallpaper of choice: kickassness!
Skin of choice: Orange? Green?
Favourite cartoon character: well fictional? Captain Jack Sparrow
Personal Quote: "Why am I handcu-Why do you even have handcuffs?" to my friend :3 odd day that was, very

# Comments

Comments: 93

Timinithis [2010-05-03 08:51:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zayknux [2009-01-09 04:41:06 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zayknux [2008-12-03 05:48:00 +0000 UTC]

i liek our gigantic conversational comments on your page lmfao they're extremely long it makes your page long 8'''DD *cracks up*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-03 16:05:06 +0000 UTC]

that's how do we do things ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-05 03:09:33 +0000 UTC]

indeed :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-05 04:36:28 +0000 UTC]

now you be a good little lass and do yur homwarwk

while I'll stay out late til the wee morn and grab meself a bit'o drink

nah, I'm kidding, I don't drink ^^
....I don't smoke either, and I hate clubs but like bars for some reason....

wow, I'm lame according to the stereotype
I should be out getting wasted and get arrested

I should wake up one morning with a new tatoo of some guy named Joe on my arm and a girl name Kate on my butt

I should be jumping off rooftops without an umbrella!

I should wake up one morning remembering nothing in bed with a girl I never seen before

it was in a magazine article
silly college people, hope their brain cells die, it would mean less competition for me in the future

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-07 23:52:20 +0000 UTC]

there you go again making them long D8> lmfao
what's with the irish-ness? b:
LOL i'm sure you're not lame XD
ew.. joe? LOL kate? on your butt o.o LOL that's great 8''D
you're not mary poppins D8< lmao
._. wow.. LMFAO
that's very nice of you XDDD
*adds [twilight] other journal entry comment on here* FUSION Lol
no you're not making it any better D8<
yes two sisters, and yep i'm the oldest D8
i thought your dog was a girl? lmao or am i mistaken o.o
yeah i got that lol
lmfao oh that's nice XDD
then what are they related to huh?
a lizard? wth XD
o,o and you would know this because? LOL
*lowers her eyebrow and raises the other* rofl XDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-08 04:35:29 +0000 UTC]

Well I can't help if it's long! Would you prefer a hundred messages or just one awesomely epic length message?
and you know you love it ^^
do you? :/

Irish? Funny. I was going for Scottish pirate with a eyepatch a speech impedement
Funny how that turned out ^^

I'm sure I'm not lame either, I have to much fun to care anyway ^^

well it was either a generic name of Joe or Bubba :/
and Kate?......well I though it a was fitting name or a scary dominative girl.....scary
what? I was supposively drunk at the time!

Oh don't tell me you never thought of jumping off a very high place with an umbrella when you were younger! XD

what? I woke up with a girl I've never met next to me before
it was during a field day in middle school
we fell asleep against the school building in the shade since we were tired and it was around 86 degrees and sunny outside

I told her she was snoring, that earned me an elbow to the ribs, I deserved it ^^

well, I'm a nice guy, too nice somethings. And a complete pushover when it comes to women (I can't say no!) :/
(I blame my mother and all the women that makes up 94% of my entire family line)

But when the success of my future is at stake, I'm throwing you out the window!........but I'll say sorry and send you flowers while you're in the hospital XD

don't worry, you'll experience it someday ^^
god, I always wanted to do that to someone ^^
*checks it off list of 'things to die before I die'*

sucks being the oldest, I always wanted to the the younger sibling ^^

ok, lets clear something up, cuz there might be (alot!)some confusion
first, my best friend is a girl
my dog is a boy
my sister is not my best friend
my dog is not my best friend
my best friend is female

you have confused my best friend, my dog, and my sister before in past messages so I'm just gonna clear that up now before I burst out laughing at you

now I'm (think)sure you're a smart girl with a (possibly)pretty head on your shoulders, but you are a very (really)confused person

it's either because you're 16 (no complaining, I've been there too)
or I'm just a very confusing person ^^

so yes, you are mistaken my friend who is-not-sync-with-the-rest-of-the-world ^^

phew! glad you got that
and here I was philosophying and pacing back and forth about my sense of humor compared to everyone one else's

I wouldn't usually care, but I couldn't get it out of my head!
I lost sleep!

every everything above was sarcasm btw ^^

well, it's just not related him being depresssed and suicidal
cause he's not, that's all

well it was either a lizard or making him crash a wedding and impulsively yelling out "OBJECTION!" while running through the wedding ceremony chasing a ninja, but that was too much too write down a the time

I would know this because the chemistry lab during my time in high school was never locked until after school and the teachers didn't care too much unless your skin was melting.......and I snuck in after school using the first story window

what? chemical make booms! why else would anyone sneak back inside a school?

that's cheating! darn you loopholes and eyebrows!

and for acompletely different subject!
I got good news and more good news! then some bad news

bad news is I fell up the stairs. yes, up the stairs!

good news is I took two people with me while falling >:3

and finally............I think I just fell for somebody....crap
I don't have time for this!

If I had just turn right I would've never meet her and wouldn't be in this situatuion!.....but she's sooo smart and funny(she has some very clever and witty remarks while we talk, big plus there, fun to talk with)....and out of my league.....and she's hot too *sigh*

then again, it's complete stupid and selfish of me to decide whether or not I have a chance with her without her even having a say in the matter

we'll find out soon enough, I think she thought we hit it off pretty well and she gave me her number without me asking
First time a girl ever did that for me, maybe college isn't so bad after all. That, and maybe because I didn't say anything stupid and was brave or dumb enough to come up and talk to her.

aside from that
*face plam* I can't believe I'm talking about this with a 16 year old girl over the internet, I think I just hit a new low....*feels the shame*

how did you get a boyfriend anyway? I keep imagining you to the assertive, dominative type and scared him into it(ya know, unless he's into that sort of thing.....werido)

or in fandom terms
you = seme
him = uke
(I feel dirty just my using those terms already)

unless you're the shy type that can kick ass (all the women in my family, see what I'm dealing with here?)

but then again those are all stereo-types, and women are completely unpredictable ^^

did you come up to him or him to you?
or was it something you both decided just happen without verbally stating or talking about it

I just don't understand relationships (never been in a romantic one) :/
and I really can't afford or have time for one right now

how come it had to happen when I didn't want it too? god damn my life is cliche

I still can't believe I'm still talking about this with an underage high school girl

I'm gonna go crawl in a hole and wallow in shame before the FBI comes and arrest me :/

before that, I have to end this

Le Fin! there, all done ^^

now enjoy and fear the awesomely epic length that is this message!
*clicks audio tape recording of my evil laugh from earlier*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-08 05:13:22 +0000 UTC]

One awesomely epic length message i guess rofl XDD that i will eventually get to b: lol
oh yes :3
Irish, Scottish, all sounds the same to me D8

that's good 8D
ew, just pick Joe, I imagine Bubba to be a fat guy .-.; real big one LOL scary dominative kate.. XDDD alright then
oh alright then XDD
nope not really XDDD
you didn't do anything did you? LOL *cracks up* 8'D
ah i see nvm then :3
i wouldn't have told her that XD
yay 8D *pushes you over* LOL XDDD
so, your family is made up of lots of girls too? XD
FLOWERS DOESN'T FIX MY BROKEN EVERYTHING ;O; lmfao XDDD wait, how many floors did you throw me out of ? XDDD
the evil laugh thing? o.o; I'm hoping that's a typo rofl "things to die before i die" XDDDD
yes it does, me too :3, but then i realized nvm, i'd be pushed and bullied by the older sibs tho i'd have it easy when i asked for tips on past experiences lol XD
i know your bff is a girl
alright then
you told me that
and you said that.. again XD
*sniff* don't laugh at meh D'8 i'm sick >: lol.. no really i am *sniffs* -w-
yeah that's it 8D.. lol
hey well i'm a confusing person myself 8'DDD
yay not in sync |D *skips around and bumps into you* why are you in the way D8> lol :3
Lol i have fallen up the stairs one too many times ... XDDDDDD last time it was with my bf observing me go up, i tripped on the last step and crawled to my room XDDDDD god, i can make a complete fool of myself 8'D
that's great XDDDDDDDDD
you fell for someone? who could this be 8D lol
*pets* well try your hardest >8D
that's why you get to know her better~ *nudge nudge*
well that's good :3
LOL what's so shameful about that huh? XDDD i'm listening :3
LMFAO!!!!!!!!! 8''D god you know me so well *cracks up* um, well he fell for me first, on my worst days D8> i had just gotten out of the shower, so my hair was wet and curly-ish >:, had a tank top, and ripped jeans, and i was walking in the library with my sister, and i didn't wanna be there, apparently he saw me there, and then it turns out i had him for a biology class last year, so we started out as friends, and this summer he asked me out and tada 8D, he's a weirdo, he lieks that type LOL 8''D
LMFAO i can't think of myself as a seme D8 well maybe not in my head, probably in his O.o
he's more of the seme type me thinks XDDD
yep i'm probably one of those types!!! 8D
true true. XD
him to me.. i guess? lol well in the classroom i found him speaking spanish and cracked up at his jokes, since he thought i couldn't understand him cuz i look white, so he thought i was just being weird XD
i think both? maybe *shrugs* you decide from what i've told you 8'D
i thought you'd be one of the romantic ones tho D8
lmao das just how love is *Shrugs* XD *pets*
*cracks up* ITS NOT THAT BAD just think of me as a sister 8D XD
why would they do that? you a pedophile or something? D8 lol
i feared at first, but now i'm good 8'D, yes very epic D8< *breaks your audio tape* nevah

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-08 19:04:43 +0000 UTC]

that reminds me, I should develope a cool accent or something.... I'm think Scottish or Austrailian

it's another thing to check off my list

well, I'll probably never be drunk enough to have either name inked forever into my arm, so I'm stop worrying about that ^^'

how could you never thing of jumping off someplace high with an umbrella?!
....you have of had a boring imagination during childhood, I don't blame you, must be a girl thing.....(I'm just asking for it aren't I? ^^)

yeah, I told her that! and I don't regret it ^^
her face was priceless

hey! it's not fun being a doormat D8> girls walk all over me :/
and I though I already told you my family consisted mostly of women

if I had time, I would've let you pick which floor I could've thrown you out of XD

but no less than 3 but no more than 40, those are some really big stairs to climb after all and I'll get tired

yes, always wanted to try the evil laugh

I wouldn't let an older sibling bully me, I was very aggressive as a kid nad I fought kids alot older and bigger than me, didn't always win, but I'm not the one with a scar ^^
the only person I will probably ever fear is my mother....or my wife, but I have yet to meet this elusive creature

aww, you're sick =[ well get better soon, though you now have an excuse to tak e nap during the day ^^
(also probably the reason why you responded so quickly....)
I'll resume laughing after you get better, it's wrong laughing at a sick person after all ^^

confusing my foot, I can read you like an open book with bold print
jk ^^

I'd would rather have you skipping than driving :3

lmao, what a trooper
from an outside perspective, that's rather cute.....and kinda funny
had to be the last step didn't it? -w-'

yosh! it was like everything in slow motion when we fell

who could it be? sorry, I don't kiss and tell ^^
besides it's no one you would probably know, the world can't be that small ^^

well, I think we both have a mutual attraction, there's no sign or anything big or major
we just have fun flirting and talking, really awesome person to talk to on the phone

we might just turn out nothing more than good friends, but I'm hoping for more ^^

it's shameful because a guy isn't suppose to talk about his love life with a highschool girl XD

well I got an eye for these things, I've read a few translated chinese books on human behavior and emotions

you can tell alot about a person mental state by the way the move and use thier hands, their phyiscal health from there eyes, posture and how they interact with strangers

but talking to people over the internet throws that knowledge out the window XD

whoa, whoa ,whoa, he asked you out and tada? insta-relationship! just add water?

I just graduated high school this year, but I don't remember high being that simple

ah, so he's new ^^
how long do you think he'll last? wanna make a betting circle?
and since I'm considered your friend now, you know I(we, your friends) get second dibs to beat the crap out of him if breaks your heart, ya know.....after you beat the crap out of him yourself :3

and you do understand that I called him a werido because I think he likes being......ya know, being 'dominated' over and not cause he just like tomboys like you XD

what? don't you like being on top? >8D put him in his place!
and if there's a fight, I'll hope it leads to nothing sensual because since I'm your friend now, it's more creepy than it is humorous D8>
I swear, kids are so active now of days...

I look like I don't belong anywhere, I'm the oddest combination of Vietnamese, Scottish, French, and other exstinct asian country ever

my skin is alot lighter than traditional Vietnamese, since it's really sunny there
that and I tower over everyone there

and because Scottish is my second closest, I have a tall, big, burly build

but I also look asian compared to most people here, must be the hair and eye color

though it's fun, when I go back to Vietnam, the people think I'm a foreigner and don't think I can understand them, it never get's old ^^

I am one of those romantics ^^
I really can't help it, I wanna make people happy
I can do and say alot of things to make someone happy, and more importantly, I can mean it
I only make promises I can keep
I just haven't found the right girl to say those things too
but it's alot more than that, the mood, setting, and experience, how we interact, all of it makes it or breaks it

I just never really got to experience the relationship thing, and my parents were pretty strict about their dating policy; "don't, you're too young" they're traditional asians so their views don't really fit mine

hey, given the chance, I could make you melt
because I'm willing to do or say something really cheesy and embarassing in public if it can get you to smile ^^

well this love things sucks, it just comes in all uninvited without calling beforehand and didn't take off its shoes getting mud all over the place

I can't think of you as a sister! My sister doesn't have a boyfriend!
the thought just it just floods me with waves of sudden over-protectiveness

I find myself unconsciously looking for a baseball bat by just the mere thought

your sisters over protective of you? or do they just don't give a damn?

hell, I don't approve of your boyfriend
I'm making complete random speculations, but compared to you, I think he's a fruit

nah, he's probably a really nice guy and I'm just poking fun at him ^^

lol, no ^^
just making a joke that you're 16 and I shouldn't be talking to about this over the internet because it seems suspicious since I legally an adult now (which sucks and I wholly reject it btw, I still feel young :/)

so hows'it feel to write you own aswesomely epic length message? :3

also, a friend wrote a song for me, it was kinda funny and cool ^^
If I was a girl, I might have swooned

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-19 03:16:34 +0000 UTC]

on another note, hi lmfao XDDD
Australian mate, because scottish can get pretty annoying, tho you'll remind me of shrek rofl
that's good haha XD
with an umbrella? um.. i think i did that out of stupidity but from a couch LOL wait no, i think i've also done this jumping from liek a 7 foot ledge thing onto a couch also ROFL
NO I DIDN'T, I WAS A STRANGE CHILD LMFAO and i will not discuss the things i did, because they're embarassing and i know i'll be looked at funny once told b:
i know that >8( and i probably didn't remember.. again rofl
lmfao oh that's nice
LOL FOR SURE RESULT IS DEATH XDDD i'd be liek smoosh right on the sidewalk thanks eh.. *sniff* now i know what you think of me.. lmfao
what is cute and kinda funny? the sick thing, or the bumping into you thing? lmfao or what D8>
yep the last step.. D8<
find dun tell me D8 the world is small lol XD
well keep hoping for more then XD
psh, so 8P not liek many people truly listen anyway lol
ah, interesting :3 you gotta tell me some of these things that you read lol oh i see nvm then lmfao
not insta-relationship XDD we were talking on the phone for a big part of summer, then he asked and i was like sure sure lmfao what kind of answer is that? i said exactly that i assure you XDDDD lol i would have thought i was a jerk
ah i see XD, its not that simple, maybe its just the way i put it b:
ah i see, idk don't start a betting circle >8P the last one lasted 2 and a half years, and it was a long distance thing LOL so imagine this one? psh who knows lmao
yeah i understood that part b: lmao he's told me some of his fantasies LOL I was rather shocked LMFAO
LMFAO oh yeah sure i like being on top LOL XDDD but i'll let him step up lmfao
They are, generations that are coming are beginning to scare me D8>
big burly built asian? hmm.. lmfao how tall are you btw?
That is very true *sniff* i'm so proud of you LOL you know all the things that makes a chick happeh *Hugs* lmfao XD
ah i see, same with my mom, but i started at 16 with this one >8D but its not liek i'm gonna go so far where it gets super serious D8>
*sniff* again.. so proud lmfao 8'D
yep that's just how love is, you're gonna have to mop up the mud now *Gives you a mop*
LOL just forget the bf XDDD i'm just the seester >8D XD *gasp* dun kill him >: lol
they are, they're willing to blackmail me if they see the relationship take the wrong turn 8''D and i can't do that in the first place since i'm the "role model" lmfao even tho the middle sister is just more responsible than i will ever be XD
why not eh? D8
oh okay then psh lmfao
you're young by heart is all that counts lmfao besides its liek a two year difference.. big deal? *shrugs*
its tiring lmfao XDDD i feel liek i get lazy as i go lmao
really? XDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-20 20:16:39 +0000 UTC]

woot! all praise the winter break!
Bonjour mon chere!
aww bugger
I like shreck though =/
good enough for me ^^

how come everyone my age is uninteresting, but anyone older or younger seem so much funner to be around =/
what was funny and kinda cute is the image of you tripping on the very last step and then crawling to your room ^^

things you did......aww, now I have to know...please? :3

what doesn't kill you makes you stronger..........so I threw you out window about 20+ stories up because I love you ^^,,,,tough love is an odd thing ain't it?
I so seroiusly wish I didn't have any obligations and didn't have to worry about money to travel the world

I want to prove to myself that the world is big and vast
I promise I'm gonna make it happen before I turn 30

for now, I'm happy with our current situation,if she ever wants more.....well I'll cross that bridge once I get there

yush! I'm gonna start a betting circle with your family >:3

relationships on the phone aren't really relationships *ducks thrown objects*
I don't think I could do a long distance thing.....feels too impersonal for me

aren't you guys a little young to start talking about your 'fantasies'?
wish I could've have seen your shocked face when he told you

not me, I don't enjoy pain......guys are werid...

don't really have fantasies, I'm more spontanious and 'go with the flow' so it will be a more on the spot thing XD

yeah! remind him who wears the pants in the relationshop! lmao

the only thing I'm really scared about for the new generation is that I look at them at tell myself "These guys are gonna end up running the country? I'm moving to Italy"

I'm 6'2, but I think I grew an inch during the summer

time to whip love into shape so I don't have to clean after it!

it's because I'm mostly aware of myself and I'm willing to make a fool out of myself for her X/

no way! making fun of your bf is fun

my seester isn't that short! >8D haha! you'll never take me alive!

fine, you can be my role model too so I cans makes ya feel teh pressure!

I don't really care how old you are, it's just some people on deviant art are assholes, and I don't want either you or me getting into trouble because of them

that and since I'm the adult here *cringes* I should be talking to someone younger about this

stupid pride :/
I kept this one short just for you 8D

yeah! it was a joke and everybody that heard laughed, it was fun ^^

he used flattery and really pretty words like he was serenading me, it was like he was singing to a girl but used me as a replacement lmao

I laughed so hard I couldn't breath when I really needed too XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-21 05:30:15 +0000 UTC]

bonjour :3
lol i see XD
lmfao idk that's just how life is haha XD i have the same problem with most people my age lol cept my best friend tho 8D
ah i see, quite embarassing tho lmfao
no never ever will i tell you D8
... so i'm suppose to be strong with every bone broken? LOL tough love is a strange thing, but cracks me up tho XD
well good luck with that ;D lol i wanna know about your adventures around the world XD
I so seroiusly wish I didn't have any obligations and didn't
yay X3
whut D8> with the family? psh my sisters will probably bet on a short period of time T3T
i know they are not, if you're talking about the current one, i'm seeing him everytime i go to school lol and the last one was over the internet, didn't work out obviously b:
*points to him* he started it
i can't even describe it LOL
yes some guys are really strange XDD especially the ones i know lmao
ah i see XD interesting
lmfao is that really a reason? XDD
wow.. you're very tall XD almost a foot taller than me lol
lmfao you whip it Quan, you whip it XDD
well its a nice thing to do.. sometimes xD now if she was doing it on urpose to the point she makes you do something horrible, that's just messed up >: i'd feel bad for you lol..
.. I DON'T APPRECIATE IT LOL *nom nom's your head*
even if i'm a foot shorter than you XD
.. no you're my role model D8< lmfao it only works if you're older lmfao i dun want anymore pressure as it is XDD
ah i see, i still dun see the problem tho b: not a big deal XD
*pets* lol XDD *pets your pride as well* lol
yay its short liek me 8DDD lol
lmfao XDD well breath lmfao its necessary D8 and it would have made me crack up 8'D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-23 21:34:38 +0000 UTC]

maybe I should develope a New York accent instead

I guess we're in the same situation

awww, c'mon *applies peer pressure*
you can turst me, besides it's stories when you were little

you tell me one, I'll tell you one

but fine, if you don't want to tell me, that's okay......I have....'other' methods of find ing out

and I can't wait to share my adventures, but I gotta find somebosy to go with me, it gets lonely traveling, I think my cousin might be up for it

and I bet your sister are right

but as your friend, I am obliged to support you no matter what, even if he is a fruit....lol, just poking fun at him again

lol, yep, it's never the girl's fault ^^'

I don't what kind of fantasies girls have, but I'm horrified by what some guys say :/

yeah! wears those pants!
and make him wear a dress so show dominace.........but if he starts getting into that, please stop immeditately *shivers*

what part of 'tall, built, scottish asian' don't you understand XD

you know how hard it is getting in and out of a car, much less driving one without your legs cramping XD

yay! you're the perfect petting size :3

lol, you make it sound dirty XD

don't worry, I would only do something like that because I want to or because she's worth it

appreciate it or not, it's too fun to stop, and it's not like you can throw kitchen appliances at people over the internet


*pets* so cute and 'short' lol >:3

nuh uh! you're my role model, so there!

I feeling like scratching myslef behind the ear with my foot all of a sudden ^^

tha tsong calls for a revenge, since I can't write asong to save my life I need to get create with explosives and chewing gum...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-28 23:52:30 +0000 UTC]

It'd be a bit hard to understand but i'd try >3
So what if it is lmfao i dun wanna remember XD even if i do D8
never never never *clings to a couch* lmfao
you're so mean D8
T3T *pulls your ear*
nope never my fault lmfao
well it can get as bad as a guy's fantasy can if you keep fueling it with ideas, but keeping quiet can do just as bad lmao unless you try to stop it lol
LMFAO okay i'll tell him to wear a red dress, because he insists on the blue one lmfao XDDDD but i has the pants, that shouldn't be a problem ;D lmfao XDD
well sorry that you're so tall you have to bend in ways to get into your car XDDD
yep pet away giant lol
yeah i know it sounds dirty XDDDDDDDDDD i did that for laughing purposes 8'D needed to crack myself up lmao
*throws knife through internet* let's see if it reaches you~ XDD
KEEP YELLING *gives you a smoothy*
>3< ;o; why must i be so short
nuuuu you're my role model lmfao
wtf XDDDDD did you really scratch your ear with your foot? were you having a dog moment? XDDD
don't forget that candy that pops in your mouth lol

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-12-29 21:52:35 +0000 UTC]

I can't tell the difference betwwen a New York or Boston accent! =/

oh it can't be that bad?!
what did you do?
fall in the toilet?
got chased and kidnapped by a swarm of angry bugs?
mistake your arranged date as a guy? (I am never living this one down *facepalm*)
ate poop? (never mind, I don't want to know that one)
beat up little boys? (c'mon, I know you did this one!)
experiment with cooking (how the hell does making cerel cause the fire alarm to go off?!)

you can't keep secrets forever!

what? a fruit's better than a fairy 8D lmao!
wish I could say the same thing; "who lite Mike's hair on fire?" "Not my fault" XD

I've come to an concusion!
men are bigger gossips
women are bigger perverts XD

what catagory does overalls and kilts fall under? XD
I wore a kilt before..........felt breezy.........

car makers never fill the needs of us tall people, the bastards XD

you did it for the lolz!

*knife pins right sleeve to nearby wall in mid typing*
odd.....I was expecting a toaster or mircowave


nuu, you're my role model infinty!

.......I'd be lying if I said I never sratched myself behind the ear with my foot before, just to experience it....

and I was having a Cayote moment =}

pop rocks? nuuuuu, you fool! you'll kills us all!

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2009-01-05 00:22:46 +0000 UTC]

haha neither can i XD
who knows if it is lmfao i just dun wanna share
no i didn't fall in lmfao
nope i actually killed them while encasing them in this little container lmfao
wth? XD
ew i've never eaten poop wth XDDD
more liek scratch and i've kicked them in places cuz they always use to pull my hair >:
yeah a little, put stuff in the blender lmfao
yes i can >8D
i guess i guess lol..
nope :3 wasn't me *holds the flamethrower behind her back* keke
that could be it haha XD
overalls and kilts i have no idea XD
well maybe they're all short people designing the cars LOL they're just doing some revenge lmfao
course i did it for the lulz >8D
oh really there goes the sink :. watch out
how the hell do you put hatred into it? XDDD do you spit in it? yell in it? *yells in it to give it a try* would that be hatred? lmfao let me shake it up for you *shakes it some more*
infinity cubed D8
wow very nice haha XDD
ah a coyote moment, wonderful lmao
yes pop rocks
das what you want right? haha XDD

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2009-01-05 03:57:36 +0000 UTC]

mosquitos love me =/
I didn't say anythng, but I think she might have figured it after seeing my slighty suprised face, what? she looked like a guy with long hair from the back and far away....

I don't think hair pulling and a kick in the nuts equal the same thing ^^'

I made cereal in home ec. once and the fire alarm went off the moment I poured the milk lol

no you can't!
lol, poor Mikw, is there no justice in the world? lol

kilts are warm......but breezy....

maybe a motocycle or a moped?

I actually had a real kitchen sink thrown at me before, since science class in 8th grade was werid XD

there's a joke that anything that is weak lacks hatred, if it's strong it have hate, also, it seems to have food taste better

but before that......why did you yell at my smoothy? XD

plus infinity times stigma >8D

I'm glad you responded before the break was over

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2009-01-05 05:08:32 +0000 UTC]

haha do you live somewhere hot/humid? they barely take any bite of me >8D
well~ they started it T3T LOL and it was just one of them since he wouldn't let me go -w-
wth XDDD
yes i can~ :3
Nope no justice XDDD
lmfao did you liek that breeze? XDD
pfft XDDDD awesome lmfao did you dodge it in time? lmao
ah i see *nods*
its hatred applied 8''''DDD XDDDD *cracks up*
Lol i dun think i can top that, but you were born first D8 its your right to be role model lmao
hah mine's over tomorrow *tears* ;o;

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2009-01-05 18:14:32 +0000 UTC]

nope, well not right now anyway, but in spring, there's everywhere!

and the mainly go after me mainly because I think it's my bloodtype or the amount of potassium on it

it's especially scare when you can see like a dozen of them fly towards specifically you X1

no ya can't~
or Mila gets it!
I have no idea of what breeze you are talking about >_>

barely saw it coming and caught it in time, floored me though and my ribs felt like it caved in, knocked the wind out of me

my fault for not payiing attentionwhen we were reorganizing the room

nuh uh~ I think of you as an older sister, so there!

it's ok, everything will be alright *pets* XD

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2009-01-06 01:12:11 +0000 UTC]

ah i see rofl XDD spray yourself with some bug repellent b: it might work :3
oh shits you serious? XD
yiiiis i can~~~~~~~~ >3<
pfft she'll win LOL
DON'T DENY IT LOL you told me yourself you felt the breeze spit it out you liek it righht LOL XD
ouch sounds rough xD
how am i an older sister? D; I'm already oldest.. >: D8>
*dramatic cry* rofl

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2009-01-06 04:32:37 +0000 UTC]

SRSLY, they're barely visable heat seking missles :/

I'll find out when I kiddnap your family and torture them with a feather, I have not anyone withstand the feather >:3
I find it kinda funny how different people act when they're tickled ^^'

oh sure, support the cat.... =/
I have no idea what you're talking about --'

you're older because I wann be the younger sibling for once

*inserts sad, dramatic violin music* there, there XD

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2009-01-06 04:40:09 +0000 UTC]

lmfao find mah tickle spot first >8D and my sister's cuz apparently when you tickle us, we don't laugh XDDD
yis supporting the kitty <83
okay fine be that way b:
well so do i D8>
LMFAO *sob sob* 8''(

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2009-01-06 05:50:07 +0000 UTC]

oh, but you never seen me work my magic with a feather >:3

how about suppry the guy getting ready to throw said cat out the window! what? they land on there feet
I swear, Mila's a a demon in cat form with a gudge from a perviously life or something
what way? b: *shh* lol

well, I always wanted an older sister

" ...and the emmy for best sob scene goes tooo? Zay!" lol

respond in one big with with the others

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2009-01-07 00:20:05 +0000 UTC]

alright, i'll probably just laugh cuz you're silly XDD
you evil XDD
well did you provoke her? XDD
lmfao XDD
well i always wanted an older brother >3< i'm surrounded by girls *Shakes you* GIRLS YOU HEAR ME >:
*holds out the emmy* thank you 8''D thank you rofl i thank quan for being so awesome lmao XDD and my family and friends who got me all this way XDDDD
oh that's right right.. LOL yeah wolves rawr *cracks up* XDDD
this belly *pets* well its not liek bulging huge, lmfao i'm just saying stomach XDDD *pokes your abs/belly* 8D XD
next time i'll stick this reply to the other comment cuz i'm too lazy lmao

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2009-01-07 05:00:05 +0000 UTC]

t'is a difficult path being silly, one might never be taken seriously or get to caught up and watch their grades pullet.... but it's fun again once you bring up back up ^^

*shocked* I'm not evil, you don't see me out pillaging and pirating........or have you? >_> <_< .....*escapes*

ha! it more like she started it and I outwitted her with a brilliant plan, because I am fantastic, and she's now out for revenge.
0_o so you wanna trade? I don't mind being surrounded by women...at all...

and if they're hot, even better!

say, you're kinda cute when you freak out *says in while in the presense of your boyfriend to make him jealous*\ to mess with his head*

seriously, if we were talking in rl, and your bf heard everything we said since the beginning (especially about what I say about him) and if he had a backbone and wanted to fight, I would just stand up and tower over him and hopefully he will back down before I toss Mila at his face XD

and then you'll come in, scold me, afterward I put you in a room with bishie wallpaper (making sure to leave a note on the door handle stating it's unlocked, but you're busy at the moment XD) while I escape out the window and go meet my bff at a resturant. And somewhere along the wway, I changed into a tuxedo and a bowtie

shh! XD
don't use my name, I keep feeling like it should always be kept a secret on the interweb, it cannot be mentioned!

lol, I should either get into presenting awards or become a drama couch, ya know, expect not being a sissy
you heard of the sound 'Kids with guns' bt the Gorillaz?
I love the song, catchy as hell, especially the chorus

and 'King without a crown' by thay one raggea rapping Rabbi, starts with an M

and 'Oh Ah' by the Grits

you calling me fat? D8>
I actually do have abs, just not abs of steel

you try not to get abs after having to do all the manual labor I had to go through, my family assume that since I'm a big person, physical labor should be no problem for me

well it certain was the first year or so, now I feel like I could probably take down half a football team...until the rest dogpiles me

*pokes your tummy* how do you like them apples!
cool, I look forward to seeing your response
btw, where you from?
or more specifically, what time zone?
know that would help our communication

I keep thinking California from some reason

but yesh! I am awesome ^^

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tatertotsluvr In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-09 16:04:06 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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pieiznice In reply to tatertotsluvr [2008-12-09 22:11:01 +0000 UTC]


eh? who are you?

and relax, we were joking around
I just used the word as a metaphor for how old I feel

and I also somehow knew somebody was gonna catch that word out of all then others when I worte that and might that it the wrong way or too seroiusly *face plam*

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Trisste-stocks [2008-10-25 14:11:06 +0000 UTC]

Hi random deviant!

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pieiznice In reply to Trisste-stocks [2008-10-25 14:18:01 +0000 UTC]

aloha ^^ Hi!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

skrabula [2008-10-21 18:06:23 +0000 UTC]

thx for the FAV....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Michel8170 [2008-10-13 08:30:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the on Tropical Sky

Highly appreciated

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zayknux [2008-10-08 02:42:45 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the watch, i appreciate it dude ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-11-29 21:23:12 +0000 UTC]

I forgot to sdd two songs to the list!

- Juliet - by the pillows


- Brand New Love Song- by The Pillows

there's and intrumental version to thsi one two

listen to both if you can

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-12-03 03:34:59 +0000 UTC]

i think i heard the instrumental version of the brand new love song -pillows, i've heard it on fooly cooly D8 i lieks it lmfao
juliet, not so much, for some songs it takes a while for it to get to my favs 8D lol

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-10-09 16:14:39 +0000 UTC]

well I did it

transfer is complete ^^

"a guys feminine side is attractive" I can't believe you said that!? wouldn't looking at another girl give you the same effect?

I found the perfect way to describe my story ^^
my sister helped

it's everything you expect from Gurren Lagann, but so much more ^^

I'm a great verbal story teller, but putting in on paper and trying to transfer all the emotions, the emphisis

ack! it's so hard, it never seems good enough

My forte is action/adventure and romance

I believe in what you call "subtle love" ^^

where two people just don't have to say much, and you can pretty much tell what the other is thinking

they're just happy doing things together

just three simple words in the english language that I'm just waiting to tell to a girl, I haven't found her yet, but I'm looking ^^

though I told it to my dog, but that's a different love

no, it's not something as cliche as "I love you"

that sentence just doesn't seem good enough for me

what I want to say has much more feeling

"don't ever change"

so I don't the whole epic "romeo and juliet" grand romance

well, not unless it's really worth it to the characters ^^
though after reading it, I might spoil romance in real life for you
sorry ^^'

Did I mention it contains a good amount of time travel? :3

"When you run with the him, it feels like it will never end. But, however hard you try, you can't run forever. Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like the him. But I do think that all the skies of all the worlds might just turn dark if he ever, for one moment, accepts it"

"Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days when the wind stands fair and he comes to call, everybody lives."

I'll let you figure out who "he" and "him" is ^^

all great characters has to make a choice, mine will be brilliant with what he says, an amazing actor and trickster


I almost read Twilight, Ididn't know what it was at the time, my sister saved me ^^'

I picked up the book just to read the description. Before I could; she ran up to me, grabbed it gently and set aside acros the room

she said, "Nuu, no touchy, it's bad juju for a guy to read this, run away and never look back!"

well, she said bad juju so I believed her

later I found out it was a, ahem, "chick book"

I shall teach to speak Japanese....eventually

though reading and writting are another matter entirely

well, I'm glad you like my long messages

if we were talking in person, everything I say above will probably only take me about ....oh around 1 minute 4 seconds

I talk fast ^^

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-10-10 01:04:00 +0000 UTC]

LMFAO I DIDN'T MEAN LIEK A SUPER GIRLY GUY LOL that's scary, thanks for making me sound liek a lez man XDDD Lol, and first of all, i'm talking about anime lol, besides, these bishie guys in real life, pertain to the asian guys, cuz well, they're rather attractive XDD blame my friend for that lol
GURREN LAGANN IS SUPER AWESOME LOL i'm looking forward to this then 8DD
yeah i know what you mean, so many things to pack onto the paper, and while you're doing it, you lose the feeling -w-;
i'm liking this subtle love :3..
lol, how could you spoil romance in real life? XDD
time travel.. so will it be filled with these paradoxes or something?
who is "he"?! lol XD
lmfao, aww come on, so what if it's a chick book, i'd liek a guy to tell me what he thinks XDD
i'm looking forward to that day 8D lol, i will learn |D
XDDD well i take my time to talk, and i'd try to understand your fast speaking skillz XDDD, but you'd definitely have my attention

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-10-10 02:50:03 +0000 UTC]

oh, I though you meant in real life
asian guys are only like that because the majority of them are short and skinny

not me though, I'm wayyy too mixed that I look out of place anywhere but Iceland

why Iceland? cuz I've never been to

I'm huge for an asian at 6'3
my school lost a great football player when I decided to I was too nice of a nice to tackle anyone back when I was 7

lost a great actor too when it conflicted with my schedule of after school procrastination ^^

the only guy that I'll ever truely admit is sexy and if I were a girl, would swoon over would be David Tennant ( the guy from Doctor Who, Cassonova, etc.)

a brilliant, brilliant actor (I can't say that enough)
funny man, sexy scottish accent, if you're a fan of Doctor Who, you'll know why

tha reminds me of a totally random discussion I had today in class
I don't remember how it started but it was between me and my best friend, and before we knew it the whole class and teacher got invoved

it was about about what your reation would be if you woke up the next day as the opposite gender

suprisingly, I found out that I would totally fine with it, completely casual like I was always liked that

that got me odd looks ^^
I don't think I told you this before, but I grew up in a neighborhood of only girls from ages 4 to 11, didn't have and guy friends will I reached middle school

I still more confortable around girls than boys now

I wouldn't mind being agirl for a week since my goal in life is too experience as much as possible

know what? I'll spend you the first autographed copy if I ever publish it
personally too, if I feel fancy about it

hell, I'm loving the sublte love
without it, I'd be a totally different person

subtle love is how I descibe my best friend, we don't talk much, but we're always physically near each other

I am a very affectionate person, I would perfer a hug or a kiss on the cheek rather than just a kiss

I enjoy physical greeting like a handshake, a hug, or a tackle XD
I'm too friendly =/

it's like if one single piece of a puzzle, sure it can still fit with other pieces, but its like if you take that single piece and break it in half

her and me are one single person in two different bodies
it's kinda creepy, cuz it's like she can read my thoughts 0_o
and I hide how I feel very well, thank you very much

now that I thing about it, it's like being a fraternal and indentical twin to the same person...whoa, that's kinda deep

werid thing is, I feel the same about my dog.....she'll kill me if she found out I thought that XDDDD
(I am NEVER letting her near handcuffs again!)

I can spoiler romance because I can write it like it's too good to be true and you may end up jealous -w-

Time travel opens a whole new door of possibilities, and can lead to great and terrible choices

choices that can destroy a man or drive them mad
a great character is defined by their actions

but it also opens a door to so much humor, jokes, general fun and nonsense, and it can also lead to akward and fun chase scenes

also an accidently cause can creat a slight change in the future
which can be funny ^^

and I consider myself to understand paradoxes very well

"he" would be my main character ^^
that was a sample of what people thought of him in my world
he will be hated and loved
I'm making him an unintentional legend in the world in my story ^^

I really wished my world existed, it's like a mixture on modern times and fantasy

and has so many beatiful places that I wish I could find on earth, I know they exist, but I can't travel the world....yet :3

just a vast field of long grassy plains that seem to stretch forever
and are populated my windmills (so you'll know there's a constant breeze, whether is a warm or cool breeze is up yo you)

I'll give my video games for a year if I could see that :3


well I'll tell you what I think of Twilight
I think it's a chick book, and that I'll stay away from it till I die
I think vampires are cliche and man-made
I think everything from dragons, werewolves, etc. existed except vampires

enough of my rant!

if a guy tells you what he thinks after reading a chick book,
you ask him for me "what the hell were you reading a chick book for in the first place?!"

very off subject and might be rather rude of me to ask, but
do you think girls would like a guy like me?

my best friend is a girl, and all that did was cause more cinfusion for me about how girls think :/

I like to put all of me into everything I do, so what can you tell about me from just reading what I write?

I know I put more information about myself than I should of, but I don't mind ^^

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-10-10 03:35:36 +0000 UTC]

yeah i know, and they're what i call life suckers, and they look very young for a long time >o
nice XDD so you're asian?
you seem very talented then XDD
lmfao he looks sexy to you? i think he looks funny looking XDD and well somewhat dorky and crazy at the same time 8'D XDD
he must be if you say so, sexy scottish accent? lmao i dunno the guy to be a fan really
i have no idea what my reaction would be lmfao, funny cuz i was just thinking of that a little earlier as i was talking to my best friend XDD, i'd probably freak out at first, and then slowly get use to it, it'd be weird tho, if you woke up with the state of mind of the gender you already are XDD it'd be confusing if you should liek a guy or a girl lol
Well that would explain why you'd be fine with it lol i wasn't much of a girly girl, still am not, and i prefered to hang with the guys than the girls, until they got really perverted i was liek lol no.. *scoot away*
i'm somewhere in between girls and boys, good number of both
i would love to try to be a guy for a week XDDD i'd liek to see their way of thinking, it interests me :3

Damn, that'd be so awesome, i'd feel honored 8'D especially if you became as famous as j.k. rowling Lol, that'd be so cool >D
Well i could be an affectionate person, but i'm really not, i find myself thinking it awkward as i do it, but i like hugs, only from certain people tho XDD
I can be friendly, but i can be really mean too |D;
by her and me, i'm assuming you're talking about your sister XD; if i'm being thrown into confusion, tell me please :3
i have no idea if i'm good at hiding how i feel very well, i was extremely good at it, but who knows, maybe i'm being observed more than i was.
handcuffs? LOL what is this you speak of XDD
not true whatsoever XDD, i read the twilight series, that had spoiled many XDD but then again it encouraged it at the same time *shrugs* lol still, i'd read it 8D
that is very true, but it can get confusing at times -w-;
true, but some accidents can cause tragedy XDD
that's good to know, i think i understand them, but then i get rather confused.
I think i might love the guy XDDD
you know, i do too XDD, but i also wish mine existed, though its very complex.
you will travel the world someday~ hopefully XD best wishes :3
that's a big sacrifice, must be an extremely good place :33
but vampires are pretty *sad* lmao but if there's werewolves, i think there should be vampires, equal rivals me thinks b:
okay i'll ask him that XDDD i can see why you shouldn't read it either lol
hellz yeah, especially those that like random conversation, and don't really talk about themselves, rather they're interested in different things than themselves -.-; (and that is why i'm not girly lmao)
truly, i think you'll never find out how a girl thinks Lol... we're so confusing and weird (sometimes complicated) that i'm confused by it, and may not know, cuz i'm me, i don't know how their thought process flows~ but good luck if you ever find out :3
what i'm getting so far, is that you have me interested lol, you're very expressive, and you've only given me a few examples of your writing style, already attracts me; awesome style i think, I find you very curious, and i think i'd know more if i knew you in real life, afterall i'm very observant XDD, um.. idk, you're very descriptive and full of feeling :3

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-10-10 16:09:59 +0000 UTC]

it is trememdously impolite of them isn't it?
then again, men do age better than women
cold, hard fact that one =/

I'm not sure talented is the right word, I enjoy being overly dramatic at times. If I'm having fun, it well turn out brilliantly, it fun seeing how people react

like I've been shot in the heart after my mother tells me she loves our dog more than her own children ^^' ( I'm starting to think she's serious now O_O)

and what do you mean I'm asian? I had to come out and say it for you to figure it out? I thought I left enough clues two or three messages ago for you to figure that one out

.......observant aren't we? :3

I find him sexy, not because of the looks, it's the whole package
and the somewhat dorky and crazy look for a first impression is kinda cute on people

well you really should watch him work to become a fan :/

well you would still be you if you woke up a different gender....
you know, there just just be a sudden shift in hormones

girls are more prone to mood swings
and guys are more prone to start a bar fight....not sure how it happens, but I got away with it; and I don't even drink! =/

I don't know if you want to find out what a guy thinks like...it's nothing bad, it's just a really big mess, might drive you a little mad...
it's like surfing the net for random stuff to laugh at in your head
and we never really think about about the future, just the present

....now I'm not so sure I want to know what a girl would think like =/
(not that I had a clue in the first place)

and that's the problem with me being too affectionate, it's akward for people that aren't just as affectionate

girls always go on about personal space and such, I have no idea what they're talking about

my best friend puts up with it, but I think she secretly likes it ^^

my way of greeting people is like a dog, always happy and excited to see people
except the trying to hump your leg part 0_o

I just can't be mean to people, even when I'm pissed
I always try to make people happy, or at least smile

but since I know how to make people happy, I also know how to completely destroy a person if I wanted too...

well that was rather dark of me =/

by "her and me" I meant my best friend, not my sister. I thought I was rather clear on that :/
you're stuck at the airport of confusion and all the flights are delayed

I think being best friends with your siblings is kinda odd, you're already related, haven't you done enough?!

family is a different bond

the handcuffs? that is a tell that I will take with me to the grave...
nah, it's just really funny, but embarassing for me -w-'

I still don't get Twilight and girl's fascination with it...*stratches head*

love who? what guy? my guy?!
Oi! how about some love for the creator :3

and what makes you love the guy?
seriously, I don't remember what I exactly wrote down =/

I forgot to mention for the most part of the story, my guy will be a match maker of sorts, like trying to find a girl for a friend ^^

I will try to write the first ever love-tridecagon, it's gonna be hilarious ^^

I will have some fall for my hero, but he will be freaked out or just plain oblivious

he will probably be very neutral or oblivious about the whole romance thing

I also figured out last night that I'm going to make my story episodic, like skipping into different periods of time but how it will all connect together and makes sense at the end

it's a lot less confusing than it sounds ^^'

if I ever find the place I'm talking about- and if I ever had vast amount of money, I'm gonna fly you and everyone I want to out so see the place

girls are that confusing huh? =/

aww, you flatterer, stop it, I'm blushing
nah, keep going, this is good for my ego ^^'

I'm a curiousity am I?
.......I ACCEPT!
that's a new one I heard that someone describes me ^^

I'll share more of my writing once I star orgainizing

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-10-11 00:40:07 +0000 UTC]

idk how it's impolite XDD i mean i don't think its their fault, i find it amazing tho :3, i've been told i'm a life sucker XDD, but i'm not asian
of course, since you liek their reactions XD
how cruel D: *pets* lol
Yeah you had to say it lmao, i mean if your clues were suppose to follow stereotypes than how would i know? lmao well i guess that could explain how you speak vietnamese but i mean you could have just learned it from somewhere else as well so , yes i'm still observant >o it applies more to real life tho lmao, its a bit harder with just text
I guess i should idk, don't pressure me into doing it XDD cuz then i'll end up disliking it *shrug shrug* i'm weird :. and it takes a while for something suggested to seep into my brain :3
i know it would be you, but i'd think you acted a bit differently? XD
isn't that why we like guys? XDDD well maybe keeping it a mystery is why we go after the opposite gender lol
usually people won't notice if the other feels awkward, they just go for it XDD cuz they're so cuddly lmao
well by personal space, they might not like being touched? XDD like me sorta, except i do enjoy hugs from the people i'm close to, others, mm.. hard to get use to XD, and i'm sure she does liek it lol tis a warm feeling you get :3
LMAO i can just imagine that XDDD that'd be so hilarious to watch, though, quite awkward for the person that your humping their leg 8'D
Oh i can be mean :3, smart ass comments will escape D; i just can't stay angry for long.. well, for those who are close XDD,otherwise i hold bad grudges >.o
then you are too nice.. XDD
yay the dark side 8D XDD remind me not to get on your bad side :'D
well you talked about your best friend, and you also talked about your sister, and "her" could be either, idk, you might just be close with your sister? XDD
can i ride my plane now? X3
it is kinda odd XDD, YES YOU'VE DONE ENOUGH <:3 very much agreed, family is a whole different story XD
oh alright, inside joke got it
well, its a romance lmfao, but it has some action, and the handsome vampires, and the awesome wolves, for me i can relate with the main char, lmao cept for the fact that i don't know vampires or werewolves (would be awesome tho 8D) Idk, its worth reading, i think :3
yes your guy!! lol yes, the creator gets love too XD of course, can't leave the creator behind <:3
Well you said, he'd either be loved or hated, i know i will like the char, and if he wants to experience everything like you do, interesting persona :3
also, can't remember exactly what you wrote, your messages are way long for me to remember, they evolved from a discussion on boobs, to well, lmao other interesting stuff XD
and matchmakers are cool, although, i think he would fall in love with someone he's trying to hook up with another person :3
awww, does he have to be oblivious XDDD, well i guess that's what adds the humor :3
an episodic story will keep you thinking :3 that's a good idea *nods*
alright then, that'd be great too X3
Yes, we're that confusing
i'm serious XDD not to mention your affectionate and optimistic/happy :3 LMFAO AM I FEEDING YOUR EGO NOW? XDDD *gives your ego a cookie* XDD
so do i get a point for that? XDD
organize away~ X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-10-11 05:53:35 +0000 UTC]

I think all these bishes get together in some kind of secret meeting and have a party

they all like 'get on with cho bad self!'

and my friends and I are in our Mission Impossible and ninja outfits hiding and sticking on the ceiling just waitng for the signal to attack...

then I'm like "Get over here so I can knock chu out!"
and "damn youse kids! Stay off my lawn!" XDD

that's what they get for looking so young and taking all our women!
"we'll rape your crops and burn your women!" - unknown
the guy who said that had the right mind set, but the wrong idea XD

I'll give you points for a nice try, but you fail!

ah, you can't help it
women are just beautiful X3

about what my mother said, I can believe her X3
my dog is what Helen was to the Trojan War

I'm not pressuring you into anything D:
I'm just saying you'll understand why I like him once you see him work his stuff

if I were a girl, I swear I'll be so tall

I'm too nice and too trusting
those are bad life qualities XD

I believe if people hug more, people would be less irratated

the personal space thing was sarcasm if you coundn't tell 8/
it's hard to convey sarcasm in text without directly stating so, but then it would ruin the effect
T'is stupid =/

I asked my friend how'd she react if I stopped the hugs, see seemed suprised
I knew she liked them :3

she's a quiet, short, embodiment of kickassness in a tiny parcle
she's like my own Yuki Nagato ^^

I can't hold grudges to save my life, people don't stay angry at me either for long

I had very dark thoughts before, like I could do one thing and they would be broken about it, and I wouldn't feel bad at all knowing that I caused their suffering
then I realized I'm hungry and forget about it (that and IT'S MORALLY WRONG!)

glad you agreed with me about the family thing

your plane crashed in a freak golf accident. No one was injured. So you'll have to spend the night at the airport

I'll tell you about the handcuffs thing once I get over the embarassment

now that I think about it, taking the handcuffs thing of context sounds very kinky X3

Not sure I could be friends with your sterotipical vampire, I'm an any time of the day person

a night person would just slow me down, that and the blood sucking thing my cause me to do something very unfortunate to them involving an empty bottle of cranberry juice, and rubber band, two sticks of gum, a doughnut, and some wipe cream...



I never said ANYTHING.....

Yes! I'm loved!
sure it's more for my creative ability and not me, but don't ruin my moment!

he will be loved or hated because he will destroy corruption within governments and empires while winning over the people.
And he will all do thins unknowingly while just trying to do his job and drink root beer ^^

he will have entire armies run away in fear of him
due to wildly exaggerated stories when hearing rumors of his deeds

he will travel the world doing his job while saving maidens and the occasional exploding penguin

he will get lost in the desert and hallucinate ^^

there will be a running gag of him having a girl's name due to his parents expecting a girl (I'm thinking like a Haruna or something and him insisting his name is Henry) I still haven;t named him yet actually =/
you have any ideas?

his family family will consist of his very young looking mother and 73 siblings (all adopted)
his entire family runs a high class Inn

yes, he will want to experience everything, that's why he's in that line of business, and that where his character is based on that idea

he will become death, litterally, just for a month though
with the hole black robes, scythe, and the skeletal right hand thing, it will be funny as he tries to ingore people's stare and get on with his normal life

he will travel back through time to meet future friends, his past or future self, all 574 of himselves at the same time, change the future but end up changing nothing

he will stop an evil false religon and their church
all while being chased for being 'heretics'

any and all love interest on him will be slow and develope over a lot of experiences together, I hate the 'insta-love, just add water' crap
even though it sounds kinda romantic ^^

I think the first one will be the girl he's trying to get his friend to date end up falling for him, again very slowly

guys just don't noitice if a girl is interested or not, they just catagorize it as confusing and move on =/

and no matter what their reaction is when they find out, they are shocked, always!

he will infiltrate a school to locate a spy of a rival company

and he will have to chage his appearence almost every time to avoid be recognized

he will known in parts of the world as the fearsome strawberry, after dying any and all hair on his body pink, so it will look natural and not dyed, after saving the economy by saving a baker

he will be 17, a very young age
and he's already traveling the world
spying, bodyguard, impersonating a member of the church, over-thrower of tyrants, time-traveler, death personified, etc.....
well, he will as the story progresses

for a guy, any and all great conversations starts about boobs XDDD

my character isn't the type to fall for anyone by himslef, he doesn't think about it
he could be seen as too navie about it or always has his mind on his goal or next big adventure, that's what I meant by oblivious

he's alway doing things for people and never sees anything for himself

my ego can never be big enough! it has a high metabolism ^^
and we perfer cash >:3

or ice cream cake! I just recently discovered that I really like the smell of peaches and cream...odd

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-10-11 22:27:09 +0000 UTC]

I'd like to sneak into this party XDDD lmao
lmfao, awesome quote XDDDDD
awww.. nyaro~n <:3 lol
i know you're not pressuring me D:> i know i knowz :<
of course you'd be tall if you were yourself lmao, i'd be a somewhat short guy D; well.. average-ish lol
well i guess they're bad, but they're also really good qualities too
lmfao, unless they have something against the person, they'd become more irritated XDD
well tis a warm feeling you get when your receive them from someone close <:3 i'd understand why she was surprised lol
well aren't you lucky.. XDD i don't think i'd be able to stay angry at you for long either lol
it is morally wrong, but, you can't let someone step all over you >.<
aww.. T.T *sleeps on the waiting benches* -.-
get over it, get over it XDDD
Lol, of course it sounds kinky XD;
of course you didn't say anything *stares at you intently* T.T
Can i say both creative ability and you? XDDD that way i can't ruin your moment 8'D
so he's seen as some powerful guy, but he's just a normal person? XDD
wait, not so normal after all lmao
ideas for names? mm.. i'm better at that, when you describe how he looks lol but i don't like simple names XD
HOLY CRAP LOL 73 siblings? XDD wow, before i read that i was liek o.o good luck with mom. Does she keep control over them nicely, is that why she looks young? XD
XDDD well i guess he is experiencing everything lmao even the job of death, awesome |D, i can just imagine the people's reactions XDD
so there's where the paradox comes into place? lol
i don't liek the instant love either
Of course it would be slowly XD, i mean the girl will start observing the guy as the time passes, so she's going to need time to realize that she loves him lol
mm..i guess girls have to make it a little more obvious for you guys lol xD are they really? they don't suspect it? even a little? D; lol
well then, i think i'll have trouble giving you ideas for him, if he's always changing appearance XD
He's a busy guy lol XD
LMFAO thanks for the advice XDDD but i can't argue lol
that must have him always thinking.. :. but He's very generous and kind, cool :3
*gives you ice cream cake* i thought cookies would have been good enough D:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-10-12 03:05:57 +0000 UTC]

How can I be sure you won't just sabotage the whole operation, then save and run away with all the bishes?!

once you all escaped and they're all confused and panicked, you will have your way with them! *gasp* how could you?!

Now beg for forgiveness! No, not me! I'm to busy laughing my ass off!
ask for forgiveness that you didn't help crash their party and aided our mission

we would've let you have....oh maybe 1 or 5 bishes as spoils of war :3
yes, we're that nice

ah, but it's true, they're beuatiful
women just have a natural gracefulness when they're content and relaxed
guys just can't emulate that...it just turns out creepy...

you mean like the warm feeling I get when my arm acought on fire?
now that was a fun Fourth of July ^^

it is a nice moment.....then the moment is ruined because my dog also likes hugs and likes to squeeze into the middle...then the moment is back ^^

of course I'm lucky! I have my very own Yuki Nagato ^^
I'm determined to do a lot of things to remain close to her, she's the closest person I've got outside my family
we've grew up together, and her leaping over to the other side of the country for college ain't gonna stop me! >=/

I mean, she's all I got left since I/we moved away for college <=/

well, enough of my problems, I'll follow her somehow ^^
I'm a smart guy, I can do it

option B is getting her to stay or delay it...

anyway! enough of that!

please accept this bag of peanuts as an apollogy for staying the night at the airport

Course you can't stay angry at me for long! >=O
I'm too nice and you'll feel bad, it's the guilt that kills ya! ^^
it was probably you fault anyway, even if I believe that women are always right......even when they're wrong >_>

well, I'm already a bug guy, some people are imtimedated by that
I don't understand that, I was really small as a kid and I kicked so much ass!

why? you wanna be handcuffed my me and my friend? naughty, naughty
I'll get over it when I can do the same to her, again, that sounded very not right -w-'

when's the last time you've been on a swing? I just on a swing again today after 4 years, so nostalgic, I felt like a kid again ^^

and that got me back to listen two songs I will always love ^^

the first one is "Only In Dreams" by Weezer

it's an 8 minute song that lives exactly up to its name. very awesome bassline ^^

It's starts out awesome, works it way up, it has some funny lines ^^
a roller coaster ride in the truest sense, it gos up and down alot

oh my god, the last 2 minutes and 40 seconds of the song is completely unbelieveable!

there's this amazing build up that get you excited, you're expecting some kind of explosion when it reaches it's climax

when it does....

direct quote from me when it happened - "holy shit..."

it is the most magical, organized piece of music I will ever hear
the feeling I got was indiscribable, I was so happy I could stop smiling, I felt like I had to laugh or cry because I was so happy

just like a dream, it's starts of typical, builds up a little, slows down, and them when you get the the most amazing part, it's over too quickly

this is a song I need you to hear
you can find it on youtube as an AMV (and I almost never watch amvs, cuz 90% of them suck! leave to the professional or those that have the tools kiddies!) it the one by Kwasek

my life would feel incmplete now if I never heard it

you probably have no idea what I'm saying till you hear it yourself ^^
please listin to it, or at the least the last 2:40 of it

the second song is called "Song of a Gentle Breeze"
it's off the Ar Tonelico OST, a very pretty song sung in a fictional language ^^

a very peaceful relaxing song, again found on youtube

nah, my guy is more seen as the 'impossible guy' not powerful
what he does seems completely unbelievable to people

I'll accept that ^^
my moment is saved!

I'm also thinking of dressing up in drags as a disguise, or eventually doing th whole gender bending thing , because we all wonder what it's like to be the other side

I forgot to mention he won't be alone in his adventures, he will have travel companions and friends working as on site and off site coordinators on his missions

I got one where he impersonates a royal prince beacse the real prince is in danger of assination and has to go into hiding

the the mission brief didn't mention was that the prince was to be married (do i sense love interest? possibly, I might do it for teh funneh!)

then after a few story arcs later, he will go to another kingdom and impersonate a princess XD

the mother looks like she's in her early 20's, when she's pushing late 30's, it will be a mystery why she looks young ^^

I still haven't decided whether that's his real mother or that he's adopted too
and one of his temptations in time travel is to discover his parents

I don't simple names either, describe his actually looks? maybe next message if you ask again :3 I'm a tease XD

well he does look like himself when he's not in mission that needs disguises

I'm not sure generous is the right way to describe him, he's just doing his job
he's like an anti-hero along with a really nice guy
he has selffish motivations and goals but just likes helping people and doesn't mind it

guys don't expect anything unless it hits them like a semi-truck
the thought of a girl likeing a guy when he doesn't remember doing anything nice too or even knowing the girl is just an oddity to us

it's like " when the hell did that happen, was I awake or sober?! How?!" then finally "Why?!"

though it mostly him asking himself that XD

it's good advice
just look at us, we became friends over a conversation about boobs XD

no, not at all, any idea will help me
think an adventure, what you love to happen
think fantasic and surreal, magical, mythical

anything helps ^^
I had over 4 years with this idea, I came up with so much
it just reach the Gurren Lagann level of epicness before the show even came out
now I have to try to surpass it, I will need help ^^

I will properly give you credit for it

maybe then our egos can have our very own ice cream cake ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-10-19 08:14:26 +0000 UTC]

sorry for the late reply, i haven't been able to come on thanks to my waves of homework >x<;
i promise to behave D8> the plan will be out of order if my friend is involved |D; we'll take advantage of the situation LOL but but if i act on my own, i can control myself 8'D
*begs for forgiveness* D8 ;o;
but but i'll listen, i'd like a spoil of war *cries*
no not that kind of warm feeling, that's too hot to be warm T.T;
You can stalk her down and follow if you'd like haha XDD it'd be a bit creepy, but that'd be a solution by staying by her side :3
*takes her bag of peanuts and munches on them* they better be free =.=
what was my fault? D; that i'd be angry at you/dying of guilt?
People think that you have a better chance of getting beat up by a person that is larger than you :3 but i think a short person can easily beat a tall/larger person just as well XD
why of course i would LMFAO come on handcuff me now XDDDD that did sound wrong lol... 8'D
Random.. XDD um.. liek last year, it is quite nostalgic i guess *nods thoughfully*
never heard of it :. sounds awesome tho *jots them down* *listens to them*
The first song was interesting, the 2nd, is too.. peaceful D; lmao it would take me a while to get use to it
oh i see nowz :3
yay i saved the moment >3
lmao whoo drag XDDD
first a prince, then a princess lmao fun fun XD
i think that should be his real mother, it would add into the uniqueness from his 73 sibs, but if he's going to do time travel to find his true parents, adoptive mother could work just as well
um.. *asks again* actual looks please? XDDD
how can he be selfish and help others as well? XD
I'd find it awkward if he asked this to me, lmao probably smack him upside the head, maybe that's my mean side talking hmm.., definitely have to make it more obvious to you guys Lol
why the boobs? lmao.. *rubs her forehead* awkward~.. XDDD
mm.. ice cream cake for my ego <:3 yum.. but i'd rather have lemon cake over icecream cake XDD
will he experience being an animal? that'd be interesting XD

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-10-19 21:14:59 +0000 UTC]

it's okay about the late reply ^^

honestly, I haven't been on the computer since my last message to you, even if you replied earlier, I wouldn't have been able to write this till today -w-'

spoilor of war? you only want one thing? Why? can't handle having 5 bishes slaves? :3

being on fire isn't that bad......well untill the fire start reaching the skin, then it becomes uncomfortable.....just barely...

hey, I determined a long time ago to always have one constant friend in my life, and she's it
I chose her a long time ago whether she likes it or not!

plan B is a pet rock, but rocks are just unreliable =/

the peanuts are free, but the drinks aren't >:3

of course it's your fault, because it obviously can't be my fault!
why would you even think that?

it's the small people you have to watch out for >_>
sneaky, sneaky

I just hope my friend doesn't develope anything werid from the handcuffs...like some werid habit or kink...



the guy she ends up with won't last long.....poor bastard...

I found the first ssong really awesome because at the time, I was feeling....very odd, I think it was puberty or something....anyway

you can't really like a song when you expect something from it, you gotta really immerse yourself into it, listen the instruments and such

I still think the ending that song was epic ^^

the second song is what I need, peacefulness, you really have to close your eyes and lay down outside on the grass soaking up the sun to really appreciate that song

I didn't expect you to like either songs actually
I just chose two songs I enjoy from random catagories and hoped you enjoy them
hope I didn't waste your time =C

it's not that we have different taste, it just that I have everyone's taste....except for country music, damn bastard


even though the fic is centered around him
it's more like a story about a group of friends experienecing adventure, loss, joy, fun, and life together

I like stories where random loose things all tie in together in the end, so I'm gonna write in like that

looks? hmm...

height - I'm think 5'11 or 6'0 flat

build - lean, almost lanky, developed through lots of running and acrobatic chases

hair - I was going for brown or dirty blond, but hrough his jobs lots and wigs and hair dye eventually. so ranging from hot pink and beyond

eyes - brown or grey, haven't decided ( I'm very visual, I write all my stuff like it has to be drawn or seen, like a movie or anime, I like dramatics ^^)

appearence - comfortable cloths
when warm or hot, long-just-pass-the-knees brown cargo shorts, lots of pockets, roomy, durable, and doesn't restrice movement
a white long sleeve or short sleeve shirt, usually has a neon blue and read horizontal strip running across the chest
sandles because that's the close a guy can get to wearing shoes and still be barefoot

when cold, replace cargo shorts with long ones, and add a duffle coat style long coat; flame, water, and mushroom proof, or a cloak or dramatic effect, he does that alot ^^

all subject to change, give me ideas!

I'm only okay with clothing, so I might use some things I've seen before

other random notes:
- he wears a bandana (color will vary) on his head, it opens up in the back so it doesn't cover his whole head
- he has a ink paw print mark on the palm of his left hand (story behind that)
- he had a 00 serial number tatooed on his right arm (sotry behind it)
- birds are attacted to him
- big grin
- eyes alway seems to give you a blank stare, like he has no idea what you're talking about

I'll draw his face soon and post it up, I'm getting alot better ^^

he has goals and dreams that can be seen as selfish, but he helps people because he knows it's right and his conscious will berat him if he doesn't

theres are gonna be scenes like all this persona's fighting to control him
like curious him
adventurous him
brave him
childish him

I will make it really funny

girls have to make things more obvious
and guys have to be more direct to girls

girls expect me to know stuff! I don't know stuff!
I'm not a mind reader! I just want to eat, sleep, have fun, do stuff that will end up with me having the time of my life with my friends or I'll remember till I die

lemon cake does sound good right about now...

I've though of the animal thing, my question is will be be able to talk or not

and that lead me to an idea of him not being about to talk due to a potion or something
or not being able to lie, etc

anything is possible! just keep it PG-16 ^^'

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-11-11 05:31:22 +0000 UTC]

AHAHAHAH i didn't say i couldn't handle them, one is a minimum i can handle more seriously.. *v* lmfao XDD *reaches out, pleadingly*
right.. i'd still prefer to stay untouched by fire XD
plan B doesn't sound too fun really *pokes a pet rock* TwT
good thing i didn't get a drink 8D *eats her peanuts*
idk ;o;
"I think it was puberty or something....anyway" 8'D you know much that made me crack up XDD
yeah that's why it takes me the longest time to get use to the song, then i start liking it :3
you didn't waste my time d:
country music is so.. ugh D8< i hate it Lol
hmm.. a brunette with gray eyes would sound interesting :.
i say gray eyes :33 they're very rare lol
lmfao i'm not a good idea giver, at least that's what i think ahaha XD
cuz i don't want to change the whole and original ideas of the creator <:
The gray eyes would do nicely with the blank stare lol
Post his face soon, i'd liek to draw some fanart 8D lol
Yes you should know stuff, we try to make it obvious >D
become one, and we'll love you forever haha XD but then again the times you guys don't know makes it great too 8'D
yes it does |D i wish my sister would bake some but we don't have mix dammit >.<
not talk would make it interesting :3 makes you curious on how an animal thinks lol
lmfao XD i'll try keeping it at PG-16 8'D XD

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-11-11 17:57:47 +0000 UTC]

oh I don't know about that, I not sure you can handle 5, you might lose any self control you had XD

speaking of fire, I would love to swimming right now
(how does this relate to fire?)
I just feel so comfortable in the water, so relaxing
damn youse winter! *shakes fist*

yeah, a rock doesn't intially struggle out of a surpirse hug before slowly falling into it 8D, that and they don't smell as nice ^^'

glad you find it funny, because when I first realized I hit puberty (I should've realized when my voice first started craking.....yes, sad I know) and I was already hlaf way through, I was freaking out!

it was like "when the hell did this happen? why didn't anyone tell me?!"

and then I said "ah screw it, I'm hungry" and went make myslef an omlete, true story 0_0

the second song I showed you wasn't country music =/
it was folk music

time I go more into specifics, I hate American country music and country rock

I'm currently listen to the FFX OST
I still think the songs
To Zanardkand
Isn't it Beautiful? (Suteki da ne)
and Besaid Island are the best ^^

I started listening to classical music again, I don't know why
it's Chopin right now

tell me what kind of music you're currently into right now?
like is it more fast paced, get your body moving type of music?
or a good beat?
really chill song?
or slow and peaceful?

I'll try find something you never heard before that you'll like ^^

btw, my insurence compnay gave me arental while my car is getting repairs

it's a black PT Cruiser.....I feel like less of a man for driving it TwT

well I chose a brunette as his natrual hair because it's common, something that can make him still seem normal

they eyes have to be unique in this case, his eyes play a large role
they eyes reveal a lot of emotions you try to cover up
and in his line of work, there's a lot of lying and deceit

a fierce determination, a will to never give up
regret or sadness
when trying to find something
I'm gonna try to convey all of this and much more

always cheerful eyes full of determination and that of a trickster
blank stares and or sleepy eyes and etc. will happen once he's in cover for a mission

I still haven't decided on normal brown eyes or grey yet
but you're definately helping

this guy always has a constant easy going smile, light-hearted, and takes thing as they go, almost a naive view of the world but knows better than that
when he doesn't smile, either he's determined to do something, really serious or pissed, or sad

I first gonna make him appear like a hero, almost infallible, perfect almost, like everything has a happy end and he could do no wrong with all the light hearted adventures

than things get more serious, and various outcome will be pushing his character, and his decisions weigh more heavily

like a choice to save an entire kingdom in the past that was never suppose to be destroyed in the first place, but was in a future, but in order to save it and change the future for a the better, it means him and and everyone he knows might never exist or ever meet and everything they've done together will never be
but to do this, he will end up condeming a friend and major character to death

especially before hand, two arcs ago, he got was told he would kill a beloved friend and there will be no going around it

I haven't thought out what will happen yet, eheh ^^' *scratches the back of head*

there's dark moments only happen every so often, but always enough to keep the reader satisfied ^^

I'm going try to make the reader mentally and emtionally exhausted after reading a chapter or finishing an arc ^^'

here are some mini-arc ideas ^^

there is an event, every year during the Lunar festival, after the fete(feast in french); there is a game for the young of the city Galan. A game of hide and seek and tag between the boys and girls of marrying age (you see where I'm going with this yet?)

our hero( he will not know the details of game until it is already to late to to leave the game, much to his shock) is on a simple delivery mission, food for the festival 8D
after the delivery, he takes tour around the city, never having been here before. He see's a girl being chased by a groupd of boys. He goes to rescue her. He almost intercepts her when she stops and suddenly calls practice is over, the boys, all sweaty and exhausted, smile and wave goodbye until tommorrow night

our hero is left standing confused, the girl walks over to him and tells him that she saw his skill and such running after her on rooftops and alleys, she is impressed and ask him to go festival tommorrow night for there will be a big game and for him to participate

sometime after, he looks around for information about her
turns out she's local celebrity, it's only possible to play this game four times, and she has won the last three, this will be her last game, if she wins this one, by tradition, she is basically free to do whatever she wants within the city with no consequences

there are two groups in the game
red the pursuers
blue the escapees
everybody is on red team
blue team only consist of members the city has chosen
red gains something if they capture the blue team (what? our hero still doesn't know yet)
blue team, has the fewest numbers, are the only one that can actaully win

that is mini-arc #1

here's #2

there is a kindom out there, where beauty is held above all else
everyone in the kindom becomes superficial, always dressed in the most fancy clothes ( I'm think victorian era clothing for this kindom), all hyped up on make up and gold and jewelery. A place where physical beauty is everything

this arc is mainly focusing on a close friend of the hero who is a girl, on a mission with him to retrieve a document from the king

she is strong-willed, and lets no one pushes her around, and has an authority problem
basically everything not considered beauty full in the kingdom

they are treated as guest of the king, Our hero stays at the palace for work and she goes to explores the city by herself, she get odd looks from everyone

most are appalled by her, but later after many things and finally doing manual labor that's only to be done by the 'not beautiful' right in public. A crowd hangs around her all day to watch the odd spectical

all the sweaty and tired after the work is done, she lets off a stunning smile that shocks everyone in the vincinty
they question why they find that beautiful

after another series of events, she is arrested and put on trial

and I'm gonna stop there =b

I can really do awesome trial scenes ^^

well, that's that
the list of major character will come to you eventually, busy, busy =/

lol, it's really long, sorry.....or good luck reading it XD

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zayknux In reply to pieiznice [2008-11-29 05:34:58 +0000 UTC]

i won't lose it, i can handle 5 >:
*shrugs* opposites Lol melt the winter into water? 8'D
very agreeable XD never really smelt a rock before :. probably smells liek dirt lol
*gasp* an amazing true story D8 i was touched LOL
What kind of music i'm into? mmm i'd have to say some japanese rock, some of the current rock they have going on lol, alternative, japanese pop/techno stuffs, some techno, a little bit of hip hop, mm.. that's probably it for genre, oh and some spanish rock/pop :3
Good beat, have to keep the rhythm coming :3 it depends on my mood really XDD i can listen to slow stuff too, not too peaceful, that can get annoying b:
*pets you're still a man* D8 lmao

brown hair sounds good, yes it does make him look common, and i still think gray should be the color you pick, it sounds good for the description you gave for his personality :3
Is he attractive? Lmao XD
damn that's deep, well usually dark moments pull them in even more XDD makes them want to know more about the outcome :33
mini arc one sounds fun xD i'd liek to be on blue team, sounds interesting 8D
Hm.. so he's friends with a "different" chick *nods* interesting XD can't wait for more 8D
its okay XDD i'll try to fuse both comments into one next time D'8 i'm just running out of time lol

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pieiznice In reply to zayknux [2008-11-29 20:48:12 +0000 UTC]

I'll just put the songs I think you'll like in no particular order
it's also nothing you probably haven't heard before

-Lisa Miskovsky - Still Alive (Armand Van Helden Mix)
but don't listen to it! the remix sucks except of one part.
Just type in "Mirror's Edge launch trailer" on youtube
they just use that one good part of the song for it

- Tokyo Zombies - by The Pillows (actually, I would recommend and Pillow song ^^)
- March of God - The Pillows (these two are instrumentals, if you want to listen, that's fine)

- Sugar Nightmare- by V6
- Burn baby burn - by Ash
- 1,000 mph - by OK GO
- Hitohira no Hanabira - by Stereo Pony
- Phamtasmogoria - Ar Tonelico OST
- Umineko no Naku Koro ni - by Akiko Shikata
- Stereoman - by Ellegarden
- Glorious Morning
- Brand New Day - by Home Made Kozoku
- METHOD_METAFALICA/ - Ar Tonelico II OST (it get's faster soon)
- My Girl (Fiction version) - The Pillows (real cools, almost meloncholy song)
- Just Dnace - by Lady Gaga
- Lady Bird Girl - by The Pillows
- No Self Control - by The Pillows (nice grunge sound)

Kanye West new album is pretty cool

wow, only 4 of the songs are in english and 3 intrumentals

there's alot more, but this is too much already since you're so busy DX

him attractive? hmm, well I don't know, never really thought about it
he's not the type of person that you'll take a second look at till he makes them gasp in shock

normally, he just kinda blends in when he out of cover
but once you get to know him, he stands out so much everywhere that it should be glaringly obvious to everyone else, and you'll wonder why no else seems to noitice

it's like everyone knows he's there, but no one pays attention
kinda like, and I quote "it's like you fancy someone and they don't even know you exist"

I guess you could call him attractive if you look at him long enough XD

I'm stereotyping here, but I thought most girls were into the dark, mysterious, broady, bishie type guys

and my guy is the complete opposite, so he won't have girls fawning over him at first glance, and the most commonly asked question about him is "what are you?" because you always have to keep people guessing :3

well she just a friend, not his best friend, to get to know all sorts of people in his line of work =/ hell, I might change it to a guy instead of a girl with him on this mission

I also want to incorporate the theme of song/singing into it
like how singing is the soul breathing

and what if these songs where to have powers, to heal? destroy?
like there is very rare place that train song maidens

kinda like this line
"but a stage is magic isn't it? Stand on the stange, stay a few words, with the right emphasis; why, you could inspire a nation... make grown men cry. You could change peoples minds..."

they are born and only the girls have the power to make song magic
but it carries a great curse with it

I'll tell more a the arc of him impersonating a princess next time since that seems more popular to people XD

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