| mjfanboss
The Ocean of the Lost
Crossover Odyssey Part 1
Crossover Odyssey Part 2
Crossover Odyssey Part 3
Crossover World
WOLFBLADE111 Crossover
World of Darkness Arc True
Bigger Roles
Major Changes
Things I want to include
Breathing Style Users
Villainous Conquerors Army
Non Canon Ideas
The Protectors of the Multiverse Survival Arc
Best friends Series
World of Darkness Story Arc Prototype
Funkin Crossover Night
Headcanon for Protectors
Headcanon for Conquerors
My Ben 10 AU
mjfanboss - Prima Prime is a Story Guardian
mjfanboss - Ark Giga is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Dodo Wyvern is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Dodorex is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Ferox is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Ark: Survival Evolved is I the Akashic Records
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mjfanboss - TOOTL Fact: Raided Story Worlds
mjfanboss - One of the worst characters in the Akashic Records
mjfanboss - Amanda the Adventurer is in the Akashic Records
mjfanboss - Symbiosis between Dino Bogles
mjfanboss - Zongazonga is a Bogle Leader
mjfanboss - Sindbad The Sailor has Conqueror's Haki
mjfanboss - Record of Ragnarok is in the Akashic Records
mjfanboss - Operation: Monster Force is in the Akashic Records
mjfanboss - Dr. XXX Passion Project
mjfanboss - A joint creation between villainous scientists
mjfanboss - Fem!Hercules is the Team Mom of my Story Shards
mjfanboss - Kokushibo is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Akaza is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Arkveld is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Crimson Glow Valstrax is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Primordial Malzeno is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Scorned Magnamalo is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Sera is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Susano'o No Mikoto is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Inspirations for Gack-Rabbit
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mjfanboss - One Piece Old World Alternate Story 1: The Deal
mjfanboss - Book!T.H.O crazy day out
mjfanboss - Prehistoric Emergence in Crossover World
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mjfanboss - TOOTL Fact: Origin of the Fable Blades and Badges
mjfanboss - Ariea's first time eating Herculean Ambrosia
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mjfanboss - Some Akashic Records Ideas
mjfanboss - The Fallen AKA Megatronus Prime is a Bogle Leader
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mjfanboss - NCC: The Parents of Ariea the Glamourous
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mjfanboss - The Ocean of the Lost Chapter 2 Meet Gack-Rabbit
mjfanboss - My list of Bogles Leaders
mjfanboss - Destroy All Humans! in is the Akashic Records.
mjfanboss - Ajarakan is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Rompopolo is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Uth Duna is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Gruff Grizzly is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Ignosaurus is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - A Death Angel is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Boxy Boo is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Mommy Long Legs is a Shard Bound
mjfanboss - Daddy Long Legs is a Story Guardian
mjfanboss - Poppy Playtime is in the Akashic Records
mjfanboss - Clerk D. Maxwell is a Story Guardian
mjfanboss - Aramaki and Green Man are Shard Bounds
mjfanboss - Rocks D. Xebec and Chaos Chaos are Shard Bounds
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