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# Statistics
Favourites: 5; Deviations: 1; Watchers: 0
Watching: 0; Pageviews: 697; Comments Made: 1; Friends: 0
# Interests
Favorite movies: Donnie DarkoFavorite bands / musical artists: Waaay to many to name!
Favorite games: CoD-FF13-GoW
Favorite gaming platform: Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade: Pencil n' Paper!
Other Interests: Music.anime.manga.games...the usual stuff
# About me
Current Residence: Somewhere in lala land...Favourite genre of music: Anything that sounds good
Favourite style of art: sketch/photography
Operating System: Windows that wants to be an apple but decided apples cost to much
MP3 player of choice: walkman
Shell of choice: uh..Ghost?
Wallpaper of choice: Inner city shots
Skin of choice: My own thank you very much
Favourite cartoon character: Harima-Kenji
Personal Quote: Its complicated