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| ThornedSwan
# Statistics
Favourites: 281; Deviations: 20; Watchers: 10
Watching: 19; Pageviews: 3879; Comments Made: 304; Friends: 19
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: StarWarsGuruFavorite movies: Prom Night, Alien VS Predator, The Fifth Element, Transformers .... and the list goes ooooooon...
Favorite bands / musical artists: Five Finger Death Punch, Breaking Benjamin, Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach
Favorite games: Ratchet and Clank (All of them)
Favorite gaming platform: PS2 & Wii
Tools of the Trade: Do sais count?
Other Interests: Karate, Art, Bath and Body Works, Chocolate, My puppy ;D
# About me
Current Residence: A not so distant future dreamlandFavourite genre of music: Rock and Alternative
MP3 player of choice: My mini destruct 'o 'pod (3rd generation iPod nano)
Shell of choice: THE MAGIC CONCH SHELL!!! (Just kidding. XP)
Wallpaper of choice: (Painted) Blue and White Stripes
Skin of choice: Mine
Favourite cartoon character: Ren from "Ren and Stimpy"
Personal Quote: Just R.Y.N.O. 'em all!!
# Comments
Comments: 121
maiarcita [2010-03-08 13:39:37 +0000 UTC]
"Forbbiden Forest... The Exit"
I really appreciate
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Sergio-Leone [2010-01-20 18:39:26 +0000 UTC]
Hey thank you for the add or fave : D dunno what this is i am new here : D
but i am smiling right now cause u like my picture : D
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ThornedSwan In reply to Sergio-Leone [2010-01-21 20:04:44 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! I favorited your pic so it's called a fave. Welcome to DA!!
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Sergio-Leone In reply to ThornedSwan [2010-01-21 20:10:56 +0000 UTC]
ok nice than thanks for the fave!
hey if you like to watch my other pictures you can do so perhaps u like another one !?
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ThornedSwan In reply to Sergio-Leone [2010-01-22 18:51:17 +0000 UTC]
Actually, I do! I'm now watching you.
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Sergio-Leone In reply to ThornedSwan [2010-01-23 22:12:52 +0000 UTC]
ahh ok cool
i hope you like other pictures too!
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maiarcita [2009-10-16 10:20:58 +0000 UTC]
Thankss for the
I really appreciate your kind support
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x-im-a-faery-x [2009-09-13 19:11:23 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave, i really appreciate it (:
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Zaphodiop [2009-08-01 16:19:28 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Long time no see! OMG you've been gone for sooo long! T_T How's everything been?
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ThornedSwan In reply to Zaphodiop [2009-08-02 03:01:04 +0000 UTC]
Awesome. I actually graduated from high school a couple of months ago and I'm taking classes NOVA. MMMHMHMM.... College boys. XD
I'm also leaving early tomorrow for Tennessee. I REALLY need a vacation after last semester. DX
What's life like witchu?
~OH, and I might not respond right away if you answer this because I'll be on vacay and won't have internet access.
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Zaphodiop In reply to ThornedSwan [2009-08-02 15:59:38 +0000 UTC]
Cool! Which classes are you taking? I'll be joining you next year studying for my graphic design degree. After that, I'm going to the Art Institute for my masters. Life here's pretty mundane. I got a koi pond in my new house. Oh, that's right! I moved to another house, but don't worry, it's still in the local area. Now I can totally customize my room/studio for anything I want! XD BTW, is your email still the same? I hope you have fun in Tennessee and good luck in college (and perhaps get a little sample of those college guys? lol kidding)! let me know as soon as you get back, k?
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ThornedSwan In reply to Zaphodiop [2009-08-22 02:26:39 +0000 UTC]
I'm just doing general studies right now. Fall classes start this Monday. Ok, so there are two differences between college guys and high school guys:
1. They're a WHOLE LOT hairier. (I found that out in last semester's gym class.)
2. Depending upon which college you're looking at, the maturity level various. The more the college-goers party, the less mature the boys are. At NOVA, the vast majority are civilized MEN.
Although, I already knew those, it's weird to think how two facts can make your college experience seem so... foreign?
Yeah, my e-mail is still the same. I liked the one you sent me about the guy who makes dirty car art, that was pretty shweet.
Oh, and Room/STUDIO? So, what exactly does it look like?
P.S.- I seriously miss Tennessee though!! D:
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Zaphodiop In reply to ThornedSwan [2009-08-22 22:47:10 +0000 UTC]
Cool! Have fun then! lol, I dunno, the guys here are pretty hairy too! XD It's good that their civilized at NOVA, tho. I believe you when you say it's a foreign experience!
Anywho, I'm glad you liked the car art! There was another good one with a guy who makes awesome-tastic 3d art on the sidewalk with chalk too, but I can't find the URL!!! T_T
Yep! My room doubles as my art and music studio. I have my Yamaha keyboard with a MIDI hookup, and basically all of my art supplies. As for what it looks like, it has red walls with a black ceiling and trim. It's an oriental theme so it also has losta stuff from the East, such as a giant black fan with golden dragons! There is also a blank square on my wall closest to the door. I'm going to make a mini mural in that! Well...eventually! I just need to sketch out a design I like!
But yeah, that's about it! I'm glad you're back and that you had a good time in Tennessee!
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ThornedSwan In reply to Zaphodiop [2009-08-25 18:27:36 +0000 UTC]
Thanks!! ^-^ Have fun partying away your senior year!!
Wow, it sounds like you could do a lot with a room like that. (I could think of so many insane things to do with a room like that. )
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StarWarsGURU [2009-07-21 17:29:36 +0000 UTC]
Lol your ID is so NOSTALGIC!!
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ThornedSwan In reply to StarWarsGURU [2009-07-21 21:33:59 +0000 UTC]
XD ... Well, I graduated high school and took classes at NOVA for the first 8 week summer semester. I am on vacay currently.
The past few weeks have been intense. First, intense anxiety, then giddiness, then more anxiety, then more giddiness.... and I'm currently an extreme mix of both for the fall semester!! I'm an intense mess... and I love it. Soo... how 'bout you?
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StarWarsGURU In reply to ThornedSwan [2009-07-21 21:46:05 +0000 UTC]
YOU'RE GOING TO NOVA TOO!!?? By the power of Billy Mays beard!!! AWESOME!!
I'm currently taking a Gov class there Need it for my duel-enrollment cred for high school. Gah you were right to go to home school... high school sucks major Decepticles... Which is why I'm taking classes at NOVA to get dual-credit and NEVER GO TO HIGH SCHOOL EVER AGAIN!!
Dude... dude... dude seriously... you should come with us to DC sometime. We try to go every friday :3
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ThornedSwan In reply to StarWarsGURU [2009-07-22 17:19:35 +0000 UTC]
Tell me which classes your taking winter/spring semester (I know it's a while away) so we can try and coordinate some (If you want).
What to do there (Well, it's not like you could get bored.)?
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StarWarsGURU In reply to ThornedSwan [2009-07-22 17:47:17 +0000 UTC]
We go to museums in DC. I think at some point we're going to the Udvar-hazy (sp?) Air and Space Museum and we have yet to go to the Zoo.
When I find my calender I'll let you know what classes I'm taking XD
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ThornedSwan In reply to StarWarsGURU [2009-07-22 18:22:36 +0000 UTC]
Have you tried the freeze-dried ice cream yet? I get obsessed with that stuff. XD Oh, and we went recently (I mean within the past year) to a museum in DC (forget which one)and one of the reasons we went was to see a mummmy. Apparently, the mummy offened some people so they had to move it.
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StarWarsGURU In reply to ThornedSwan [2009-07-22 18:36:53 +0000 UTC]
I have not tried freeze-dried Ice Cream yet :3 I'd love to try it though.
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ThornedSwan In reply to StarWarsGURU [2009-07-22 18:42:03 +0000 UTC]
I know...
When you try it, eat it slowly. I've found my self sniffing the bag to try and remember what it tasted like. XD
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SilentPlea [2009-06-21 03:41:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so very much for the for Secret Grotto
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ThornedSwan In reply to hollowxribcage [2009-05-05 19:44:10 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. It's got a nice emotional feel to it.
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hollowxribcage In reply to ThornedSwan [2009-05-05 19:45:06 +0000 UTC]
hehe if you say so :]
I kinda made it quick, without paying much atttention to it.
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ThornedSwan In reply to hollowxribcage [2009-05-05 19:49:55 +0000 UTC]
Wow. If I could "scribble" pictures like that, I would. Often.
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MaryjaneWatsonParker [2009-03-03 19:46:18 +0000 UTC]
thank you for the fav
all my friends don't like it....they say it's stupid....so THANK YOU so much!
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ThornedSwan In reply to MaryjaneWatsonParker [2009-03-04 15:58:21 +0000 UTC]
I think it's kind of cute looking!!
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ThornedSwan In reply to MaryjaneWatsonParker [2009-03-08 03:03:51 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome.
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