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| Themaskedkid
# Statistics
Favourites: 14; Deviations: 10; Watchers: 0
Watching: 3; Pageviews: 2039; Comments Made: 63; Friends: 3
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: nullFavorite movies: Priest
Favorite TV shows: null
Favorite bands / musical artists: Greenday, Black Eyed Peas, Maroon 5
Favorite books: Warriors, Cirque du Freak
Favorite writers: null
Favorite games: Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Every pokemon game in existence
Favorite gaming platform: Wii, Nintendo DS
Tools of the Trade: Colored pencil, pencil, crayon
Other Interests: Music, Pokemon,
# About me
I am currently just an amatuer artist fighting to survive as a freshman in highschool. My life is mostly surrounded by all kinds of art: painting, sketching, acting, music, etc. which kind of helped me find this website.More in depth about art and my life, I mostly do drawings and paintings, in school I do marching band, acting at a local theater organization, and singing is just a hobby I do in private, though I wouldn't give up the chance for a contract! (Doubt I'm good though...)
Asides from that... not much else. I am the B in GLBTQ, just to say, but I do not like to push that fact on others, I hate it when Gays force their lifestyle down people's throats, I'm not like that.
And so, that concludes the mildly interesting tour of my life!