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| Aelfa
# Statistics
Favourites: 1844; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 84
Watching: 61; Pageviews: 25154; Comments Made: 647; Friends: 61
# Interests
Favorite bands / musical artists: Apocalyptica, Nujabes, Rammstein, Azam Ali, Live, Amon Amarth, Yann TiersenFavorite writers: Terry Pratchett, Frank Herbert, JRR Tolkien
Favorite games: Heroes of Might and Magic III, FF7 Crisis Core, Lineage II
Tools of the Trade: Coloured pencils, markers, Photoshop CS2, Wacom Intuos3
Other Interests: Reading, drawing, traveling, history, writing, the Discworld series
# About me
Current Residence: Under Mt. PaperworkFavourite genre of music: Alternative, soundtracks, metal, new age
Favourite style of art: Fantasy
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
# Comments
Comments: 202
sagorpirbd [2010-05-21 13:20:05 +0000 UTC]
Snow Leopard Theme for WindowBlind 7 :-->> [link]
Join The Awesome Group :-->>
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subhankar-biswas [2010-05-17 16:49:37 +0000 UTC]
hi, thanx for collecting 'meena'!
you have a lovely style, so how come there are only 28 devs in your gallery? i'd like to see more.
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lahavana [2009-12-25 17:22:18 +0000 UTC]
glad you liked Nox - poza mai ceva ca Sharon Stone
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Aelfa In reply to lahavana [2009-12-27 10:57:20 +0000 UTC]
I like Nox every time. But I like him in person best. Mai ales cand e crai, ca il face pe astalalt gelos and I get double cuddlings when I get home
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lahavana In reply to Aelfa [2009-12-27 11:21:13 +0000 UTC]
) al meu, aseara, cand am mai avut invitati, a scos capul maaaaare pezevenghiu - a profitat ca nu erau decat femei si he got belly-scratched si "awwwed" at de nu se poate
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KariLiimatainen [2009-10-25 12:51:52 +0000 UTC]
so much for the favยดs !!!
********* **********
*** nature is everything ***
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Aelfa In reply to KariLiimatainen [2009-10-26 14:59:47 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome. Your work is really beautiful
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josephcaesarsd [2009-03-28 05:09:19 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for fav'ng my Centaur: Watering Hole illustration on this [link]
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TVD-Photography [2009-03-02 09:28:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the fave on Duc Portrait ^-^
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demeternorbi [2009-03-02 02:34:09 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for faving one of my drawings, and the nice comment. I appreciate it!
Now let's see what you have here.
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carpenoctem410 [2009-02-11 18:06:51 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I have featured your work in my journal! [link]
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bip-jakass [2008-12-17 14:47:26 +0000 UTC]
foarte tare, ma bucur ca avem si noi pe cineva care deseneaza asa de bine,
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znow-white [2008-12-14 23:38:59 +0000 UTC]
Your wonderful resources have been included in my Weekly Gems Article for the Resources gallery [link]
Thank you for providing the community with such fabulous Resources.
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Aelfa In reply to znow-white [2008-12-15 18:21:22 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for your support
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xTive [2008-12-12 16:10:25 +0000 UTC]
Anybody willing to buy me a subscrition? ;D
My gallery [link]
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BucurestiClub [2008-11-21 17:48:44 +0000 UTC]
Multumim de watch
Daca doresti sa trimiti deviatii pe club, trimite-ne un note cu titlul "Join"
Pt submiteri foloseste te rog formatul de trimitere al clubului: [link] . Lucrarile vor fi adaugate la club imediat ce vom vedea note-ul si jurnalul cu thumb-uri e updatat saptamanal.
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Yume-no-Hime [2008-11-04 06:57:27 +0000 UTC]
Multumesc mult mult de tot pt , asa ma bucur ca ai dat de mine ca sa dau si eu de tine
... errr... are vreun sens ce-am scris eu acolo?
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Aelfa In reply to Yume-no-Hime [2008-11-05 22:01:44 +0000 UTC]
No problem! The more, the merrier
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Michsi [2008-11-03 09:29:26 +0000 UTC]
Helloo mersi mult pt link chiar imi e de folos. Acum doar sa merg sa-mi cumpar copic-urilie necesare.hehe O sa caut si eu tutoriale de folos. Singurul site pe care il stiu e asa e [link] dar cred k il stiti si voi
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Aelfa In reply to Michsi [2008-11-03 11:31:43 +0000 UTC]
Am fost azi pe la Hanul cu tei si au Copic Ciao cu 15 RON bucata, plus linere SP cu 23 (mi se pare), dar nu au adus linere negre. Ce am gasit insa si nu ma asteptam: Copic illustration paper. Am luat un set ca sa le incerc, sunt un pic mai groase ca hartia bleed-proof de la Letraset (aia subtire rau) I'm really curious.
OH YES, big Terry Pratchett fan. Particularly big City Watch fan You?
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Michsi In reply to Aelfa [2008-11-03 17:26:29 +0000 UTC]
O sa trec si cat se poate de curand pe la hanul cu tei. Nijikon pumped me full of ideas numai k inainte de toate trebuie sa recuperez din somn.
N-am citit foarte mult dar din ce am citit imi place serie cu Death cel mai mult. Nu ma las pana nu termin toata seria Discworld.
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Aelfa In reply to Michsi [2008-11-03 17:45:48 +0000 UTC]
Da stiiiiiu. Problema e ca I'm broke in momentul de fata pana reglam conturile cu the print shop. Oricum, saptamana asta eu si Raluca plecam la Venetia cu niste prieteni si iti dai seama ca o sa fim innebunite pe la art shops pe acolo. Deja am facut o lista cu adrese si chestii pe care nu trebuie sa le ratam.
Stii ce, poate ne mai strangem din cand in cand cei de pe Artists' Alley la un pahar si la ceva schimburi de experiente tehnice
LOL, eu sunt nebuna dupa Terry Pratchett. Am inceput sa citesc prin liceu si in vreo 6 ani am strans 32 volume in engleza. Mi le luam din banii de bursa
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Michsi In reply to Aelfa [2008-11-03 19:52:59 +0000 UTC]
LA VENETIA?!!! WOW ce va invidiez.Mai mut ca sigur o sa gasiti acolo lucruri mult mai faine. Si probabil mult mai ieftine. In Germania un Copic marker costa acum cativa ani cam 2-3 Euro. Nu stiu cat fac acum.
Garantat. Am mai strans si eu cateva nr. si ID-uri de la nijikon, trebuie doar sa le gasesc . Sunt groaznic de dezordonata.
Eu, din pacate sunt noob la Terry Pratchett. Ioana(fata care a stat cu mine la stand) le-a citit pe toate inafara de una. Le are aproape pe toate si eu le iau de la ea hehehe. Chiar acum citesc Hogfather.
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raluca-z In reply to Michsi [2008-11-04 11:25:05 +0000 UTC]
Hogfather e super, ultra funny. L-am ascultat audiobook in timp ce desenam.
We should definitely meet
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